shorter toefl – 2023 changes to the toefl you need to know!

student studying for the toefl

ets announces major 2023 toefl updates: what you need to know

as of july 2023, ets has rolled out significant changes to the toefl ibt exam. these changes are designed to create a more efficient test experience for students while maintaining the rigorous standards universities expect. if you’re planning to take the toefl ibt, it’s essential to understand the new test structure, scoring system, and how these updates might influence your preparation.

at magoosh, we’ve closely followed these updates and made sure our resources are fully aligned with the latest version of the exam. whether you’ve been preparing for a while or are just getting started, this guide will help you navigate the 2023 toefl updates with confidence.

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does magoosh offer updated toefl prep for the 2023 changes?

yes! magoosh toefl has updated all of our premium lessons, practice questions, and full-length tests to match the 2023 toefl format. our platform now mirrors the exact structure, content, and timing of the new test, so you can feel confident that your practice is realistic and fully prepares you for test day. additionally, we continue to offer personalized study plans and feedback to help you adapt to the changes and perform your best on the new toefl.

can you use older toefl prep materials for the new test?

yes, you can. while using prep materials specifically designed for the 2023 changes is ideal, older resources still cover many of the same question types and skills, making them useful. however, you’ll need to make a few adjustments when studying with older materials:

  • reading section: you now have more time per question, so you’ll need to adjust your pacing.
  • speaking section: some tasks have been removed, so you’ll need to focus only on the tasks that remain.
  • writing section: the integrated writing task remains the same, but the independent writing task has been replaced with the new “writing for an academic discussion” task.

the following sections provide a deeper breakdown of the changes and how to use older materials effectively.

2023 toefl format changes: content, pacing, and timing

ets has streamlined the 2023 toefl ibt to make it shorter and more efficient while maintaining the core elements that measure your english proficiency. below is a detailed breakdown of how the test has changed:

test length reduction

one of the most prominent changes is the reduction in total test time, from around 3 hours to just over 2 hours. this is a welcome change for test-takers, as the exam is now more focused and less physically and mentally exhausting. despite being shorter, the test still assesses the same core skills: reading, listening, speaking, and writing.

reading section

old version: previously, the toefl ibt included 3-4 reading passages with 12-14 questions per passage, covering academic topics in science, history, and the humanities.

new version: the new 2023 toefl reading section has been streamlined to just 2 passages, each with 10 questions. while the types of questions remain the same—such as factual information, inference, and vocabulary in context—you now have slightly more time per question. this allows you to engage more deeply with each passage without feeling rushed.

implications for study: when using older prep materials, skip some questions in practice sets to match the updated 10-question structure. practice adjusting your timing by giving yourself roughly 1 minute and 48 seconds per question instead of the previous 1:40.

listening section

old version: the listening section previously included 4-6 lectures and 2-3 conversations, with questions that focused on key points, details, and speaker attitudes.

new version: in the 2023 toefl, the number of lectures has been reduced, although the question types and formats remain the same. this change shortens the section but retains the requirement to comprehend spoken english in academic and conversational settings.

implications for study: to adjust, if using older listening materials, simply skip one of the lectures to mirror the current test format. focus on building your note-taking skills, as they are essential for success in the listening section.

speaking section

old version: previously, the toefl speaking section included six tasks: two independent and four integrated. test-takers were required to answer personal opinion questions and respond to reading and listening passages.

new version: the 2023 speaking section now includes only four tasks: one independent task and three integrated tasks. the most significant change is the removal of task 1 (personal question) and task 5 (problem-solving conversation). the remaining tasks follow the same structure, but the numbering has changed.

implications for study: when using older prep resources, ignore the tasks that have been removed (task 1 and task 5). focus your practice on the remaining four tasks, ensuring that your timing and structure align with the new test requirements.

writing section

old version: the writing section previously featured two tasks: integrated writing and independent writing, where test-takers expressed their opinion on a given prompt.

new version: the integrated writing task remains the same, but the independent writing task has been replaced with the new “writing for an academic discussion” task. in this new task, test-takers must respond to a professor’s question by writing a short response that contributes to an academic discussion on a given topic.

implications for study: if you’re using older materials, continue practicing integrated writing as usual. however, for the new academic discussion task, practice concise, focused writing that responds to specific prompts with well-supported ideas. magoosh’s updated materials include this new task.

changes in official toefl prep materials

ets has updated its official prep materials to align with the 2023 test changes. here’s a look at what’s available:

  • full-length, updated practice tests: these simulate the exact experience of the new 2023 toefl, complete with the new writing for academic discussion task.
  • practice sets: ets has provided new pdf-based practice sets that reflect the revised format. these materials help you get familiar with the pacing and content of the new test, though some practice sets do not include audio, which is essential for the listening and integrated tasks.
  • free online resources: in addition to paid options, ets continues to offer free resources such as sample questions and an online toefl course.

2023 toefl scoring system updates

another key update in the 2023 toefl ibt is the scoring system, particularly the emphasis on mybest™ scores. here’s how it works:

  • mybest™ scores: this feature allows test-takers who have taken the toefl more than once to combine their highest section scores across multiple test dates. for example, if you scored highest in reading on one test and in speaking on another, ets will automatically combine these top scores into a “superscore” that universities can view alongside your single-test scores.

impact on admissions: while not all universities accept mybest™ scores, many institutions now recognize this feature. however, it’s important to check each school’s policy to understand how they evaluate toefl results.

what has not changed in the 2023 toefl ibt?

despite the updates, many aspects of the toefl ibt remain the same:

  • question types in reading, listening, and integrated speaking and writing have not changed.
  • speaking preparation and response times remain the same for the tasks that are still included in the test.
  • writing task timing is unchanged for the integrated writing task.
  • score scaling continues to use a 0-30 scale per section and 0-120 for the overall test score.
  • experimental questions: as in the previous version, there may still be unscored experimental questions in reading and listening sections, but their number has decreased.

using older toefl prep materials for the 2023 exam

even if you’re using older prep materials, they can still be useful with a few adjustments:

  • reading and listening: skip some questions or passages to match the new format, and adjust your pacing for the fewer questions.
  • speaking: ignore the removed tasks and focus on the remaining four. make sure you practice within the updated time limits.
  • writing: while the integrated writing task remains the same, make sure to practice the new “writing for an academic discussion” task using updated materials.

where to get more information

to stay informed about the latest updates to the toefl, visit the official ets page on the 2023 toefl ibt changes. this page offers faqs, sample questions, and official updates to help you prepare.

ready to begin your toefl journey? take our free practice test now to see what your baseline score looks like! then consider a free trial of our magoosh premium plan to jumpstart your prep with test-quality questions and expert answer explanations. you can even purchase graded writing assessments!


  • jen jurgens

    jen has a bachelor’s degree from ucla and is a phd candidate in u.s. history at emory university. she’s worked in education, test prep, and admissions for over 12 years and has helped thousands of students in that time.

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