magoosh for schools

what to do if you can’t find teaching jobs

written by jamie goodwin | feb 27, 2019 12:07:00 am

it doesn’t matter how well prepared you are or how well you did in student teaching. sometimes, it’s just difficult to find teaching jobs in your preferred subject area. what should you do if this happens to you? here are some things that you can do to find teaching jobs.

gain more experience

until you can find a position, continue to stack your resume. look for opportunities to gain more teaching experience and experience working with children. for example:

  1. find a teacher aide position in the district in which you would like to teach.
  2. get a job as a substitute teacher.
  3. tutor students in your preferred subject area.
  4. volunteer with youth organizations.

widen your search

if you can’t find a job in your city, it might be time to look outside of your area. widen your search to neighboring districts, cities, or states. do your research to find areas that need teachers in your preferred subject area.

go back to school

if you can’t find employment, consider using the time to go back to school. consider if you should get your master’s degree for teaching. find a program that doesn’t require you to teach while in school. you could also choose a program outside of education that complements your career goals.

seek an endorsement

if your area isn’t hiring teachers in your preferred subject area, find out what subjects they are hiring for. get endorsed in those subjects. then, broaden your search to these subject areas. once you’ve found a position in the district, you’ll have an easier time applying for a position in the subject area you want to teach in when a position becomes available.

get help with your resume

are you getting called for interviews but still can’t land a job? perhaps you need to clean up your resume and brush up on your interview skills. there are resources available to review your resume and help you determine the best ways to fix it.

check out alternative schools

are you only looking for positions in your local public schools? have you considered checking out charter, private, or teaching at alternative schools? there are pros and cons for teaching at each one. one of the greatest advantages is that you can get great experience working at one of these schools in your subject area.

as you await your dream job in your preferred subject area, try some of these things to help you gain experience and stand out to those hiring.