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7 must haves for teaching kindergarten


at the beginning of the school year, teachers need to gather the supplies they’ll need for a successful year. for kindergarten teachers, there are plenty of must have teaching supplies. however, here are 7 additional must haves for teaching kindergarten that i want to bring to your attention.


classroom rug

most kindergarten teachers utilize circle time for reading, calendar practice, and more. although you could have students sit on the floor, a classroom rug is the perfect way to show students where they should sit. of course, you still have issues with students in each other’s personal space. look for rugs with separate boxes or lines. this can help divide up where the students sit so they can get the space they need to focus on your lesson.


during circle time, an easel is a great tool to teach students new concepts or practice ones that students are currently working on. when choosing an easel, look for ones with plenty of storage and hanging pockets.

storage containers

as you gather supplies and curriculum, you need a way to keep yourself organized. storage containers are the perfect way to do this. don’t forget to label the containers to make it easier to find things when you need them.

sheet protectors

i’ve worked in a number of schools that limit how many copies you can make. one of the best ways to get around this is by using sheet protectors. rather than printing enough worksheets for every student in the classroom, print 5 or 6 copies of each one. then, you can have groups of students work on different worksheets and cycle through the set.

gallon-size bags

along with storage containers, gallon-size bags are a must. use the bags to hold flashcards, abc charts, and anything else. you can also use them to send things home to parents. that way, you increase the likelihood that parents will receive the work you send home to them. and it will keep books and other materials in great condition in your students’ backpacks.

cleaning supplies

let’s face it. elementary schools are full of germs. to limit the number of sick days that you and your students take, it’s important to keep the room clean. have plenty of cleaning supplies on hand to sanitize the desks, supplies, and books. i love disinfecting wipes because they’re convenient to use and help clean surfaces quickly.


do you want a quick and fun way to decorate your classroom bulletin boards? start collecting fabric. you can get scraps from people you know or purchase fabric when it’s on sale. then, you can quickly cover any wall space and make it look colorful and bright in your classroom.

as a kindergarten teacher, you only have a few hours each day to work with your students. having what you need on hand ensures that you can focus on your students during that time. start gathering your must haves for teaching kindergarten now.

what other supplies are must haves for teaching kindergarten for you? add them in the comments below!

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