how can i spread out a practice test/exam or just do part of it?

while our full-length practice tests/exams can be a time commitment, you can have students break it up over multiple days or to a schedule that fits their needs.

when students take a full-length practice exam you don't have the ability to pause during a section, but you can pause between sections. to do this, just have students complete a section (or however many sections you want) until they reach a screen like this.

kb_practice test

from here they can just close their browser and walk away to "pause" their practice test. when they return, they will sign in to magoosh as they normally would and click on "practice tests". they will see a button to "continue practice test" which they can click to resume taking their practice test.

kb_practice test 2

you can repeat this process to pause multiple times and spread it out over as many days as needed.

we do caution that students might receive a slightly inflated score estimate since they won't experience the same test fatigue as taking it all at once.