sat resources
test prep apps
- flashcard app, for ios
- flashcard app, for andriod
- flashcard app, for all mobile phones
- video lesson app, for ios
- video lesson app, for android
- flashcard and lessons apps for act too!
we have flashcard and video lesson apps for studying on the go.
magoosh sat practice test
- sat practice test pdf download
- sat practice test answers and explanations
this full-length sat practice test pdf contains 154 of magoosh’s highest-quality, student-tested practice questions. taken from our premium online sat prep, these questions have been adapted to mimic the official sat exam that you will encounter on test day.
explanations to college board practice tests
- links to each test section + related video lessons
- forum for watching videos and asking questions
- youtube playlist with all video explanations
- digital sat 1-month study schedule
- digital sat 3-month study schedule
- digital sat 6-month study schedule
- sat study schedules
- sat diagnostic test: how will you score on the sat?
- sat ebook: your complete sat study guide
- sat question of the day: daily practice for a better score
- common sat study mistakes
- minimize sat stress
- the sat math section
- the sat writing section: clauses
- the sat reading section
- magooshsat youtube
- the vocabulary workbook
- educator information
- customer satisfaction survey and score submission
we've created video explanations for all of the math questions on the new sat official practice tests from the college board.
sat study schedules
magoosh blog
the magoosh blog has tips, advice and tools for almost every aspect of studying for the sat. here are some of our most popular posts:
magoosh sat youtube
yes, there is a whole youtube channel dedicated to sharing sat test-prep tips.
other resources
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