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the essence of the content revolves around understanding the structure of sentences through the lens of clauses and conjunctions, which are pivotal for crafting complete sentences and adhering to grammatical rules.
  • clauses are the foundational elements of sentences, divided into independent (main) clauses, which can stand alone as sentences, and dependent (subordinate) clauses, which cannot.
  • the addition of certain words, known as subordinating conjunctions, transforms an independent clause into a dependent clause, altering its ability to stand alone.
  • understanding the difference between independent and dependent clauses, and how they interact, is crucial for identifying complete sentences versus fragments.
  • a comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are incorrectly joined by a comma without a conjunction, which is a common grammatical mistake to avoid.
  • subordinating conjunctions play a key role in linking dependent clauses to independent clauses, providing reasons, times, conditions, or contrasts.
understanding clauses
independent and dependent clauses
the role of subordinating conjunctions