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official sat study guide question explanations

video explanations to college board math

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how to use this page

  1. answer a set of questions in your official college board "blue book"
  2. tests, small if you don't have a physical copy of the blue book, you can download the pdf versions here: test #1 and test #2.

  3. click the section below to watch video explanations for those questions
  4. video explanation icon you will link to a page where test prep expert chris lele shares the more efficient way to answer the question.

  5. watch lessons on concepts that you'd like to learn more about
  6. checks magoosh offers over 140 lessons. you can access some below and all lessons on math, english and writing here.

if you find any of the explanations helpful, we encourage you to share them with friends who are also studying for the sat via email or facebook.

college board question explanations

test 1, section 3

click here to see all video explanations for questions #1-20.

test 1, section 4

click here to see all video explanations for questions #1-38.

test 2, section 3

click here to see all video explanations for questions #1-20.

test 2, section 4

click here to see all video explanations for questions #1-38.

watch all video explanations on the magooshsat youtube test prep channel, official sat study guide (2016 ed.) explanation videos playlist.

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algebraic expressions

word problems
algebraic equations with two variables

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mean, median, mode

want more lessons and practice questions? magoosh offers over 140 lessons and 400 practice questions. learn more at magoosh sat test prep.

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