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geometry strategies - part i

mastering geometry problems on the sat requires both visual and logical skills, emphasizing the importance of diagrams for problem-solving.
  • always use a diagram when solving geometry problems, drawing one if it's not provided and redrawing provided ones to add or deduce information.
  • utilize symbols and abbreviations like squares for perpendicular and arrows for parallel to enhance diagram utility.
  • extending lines or adding new ones in diagrams can facilitate calculations, and assigning variables to lengths or angles allows for algebraic solutions.
  • develop the visual ability to dissect diagrams, looking at both the details and the bigger picture to apply geometric properties effectively.
  • the practice problem illustrates the strategy of 'looking big' to simplify the problem-solving process by focusing on larger shapes and their properties.
the importance of diagrams in geometry
enhancing diagrams for problem solving
dissecting diagrams: looking big and small