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two equations, two unknowns - i

understanding and solving systems of equations with two variables are fundamental skills in algebra, offering a basis for more complex mathematical concepts.
  • a single equation with two variables typically has an infinite number of solutions, which, when plotted on an x-y graph, lie on a straight line.
  • a system of equations involves two equations with two variables that must be satisfied simultaneously, usually resulting in a unique solution where the lines intersect.
  • there are two primary methods for solving systems of equations: substitution and elimination, with substitution being ideal when one of the variables has a coefficient of plus or minus 1.
  • the substitution method involves solving one equation for one variable and then substituting that expression into the other equation to solve for the second variable.
  • elimination method, which will be covered in the next lesson, is preferred when substitution is not convenient, typically due to the presence of fractions.
introduction to systems of equations
solving systems of equations: the big ideas
substitution method explained