magoosh has helped millions of students study since 2010. our affordable self-study plans includes exclusive practice questions, full-length practice tests, and a score improvement guarantee.
prep with magoosh

author: lucas fink

lucas fink
  • two month sat study schedule

    two months is a reasonable timeframe for comprehensive sat preparation, allowing you to thoroughly explore all the modules on the magoosh dashboard. this period is long enough to reinforce your understanding of the material and practice effectively while being short enough to keep your study routine focused and impactful. now, if you’ve landed on this…

  • three month sat study schedule

    get your scores up with our comprehensive three month sat study plan, containing week by week instructions for an sat study schedule you can stick to!

  • sat practice questions — free diagnostic quiz (2024)

    wishing you had an sat score predictor? try magoosh’s sat diagnostic test to get a sense of where you are in your studies, and the best ways to prepare.