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lesson by
magoosh expert

the essence of hnmr (hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance) analysis lies in understanding the number of peaks, their integrated area, and peak positions to deduce the structure of organic compounds.
  • the number of peaks in an hnmr spectrum corresponds to the number of chemically different hydrogen nuclei.
  • the integrated area under these peaks represents the relative abundance of these nuclei.
  • peak positions reveal the chemical environment or shielding of the nuclei, indicating the presence of electron-withdrawing groups.
  • coupling or splitting occurs when chemically different nuclei on adjacent carbons interfere with each other's peaks.
  • through a detailed analysis of peak number, area, position, and splitting, one can deduce the structure of compounds, such as identifying 1,1-dichloroethane from its hnmr spectrum.
understanding hnmr
solving an hnmr problem