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home>preptest 73, logical reasoning 2, question 26
carl pyrdum
lesson by carl pyrdum
magoosh expert

the content focuses on tackling necessary assumption questions in the lsat, specifically through dissecting an argument about the benefits of genetically engineered crops over traditional pesticide use.
  • necessary assumption questions require identifying an unstated premise critical to the argument's success.
  • understanding the argument involves breaking it down into its conclusion and supporting evidence.
  • the argument presented concludes that genetically engineered crops are likely to aid wildlife recovery by eliminating the need for harmful pesticides.
  • identifying the assumption involves recognizing that the argument assumes no unstated harms or benefits that could negate the proposed advantage of genetically engineered crops.
  • the correct answer choice confirms that genetically engineered crops cause less harm than those treated with pesticides, aligning with the argument's underlying assumption.
understanding necessary assumptions
dissecting the argument
identifying the assumption
evaluating answer choices