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preptest 73, passage 4, setup

the content focuses on the comparative analysis of two passages within the lsat exam, specifically a law passage that discusses principles of justice in relation to property, and how these theoretical principles are applied in a real-world context.
  • passage a introduces two theoretical principles of justice concerning property: acquisition and transfer, and highlights the need for a third principle, rectification, due to real-world exceptions.
  • in an ideal world, the first two principles would suffice without exceptions; however, the real world necessitates the principle of rectification for justice in property matters.
  • passage b provides a practical example of these principles through the indian non-intercourse act, focusing on the protection against fraud in property transfer from native americans.
  • the relationship between the two passages is established through the application of theoretical principles to a specific real-world case, emphasizing the necessity of rectification in instances of unjust property acquisition.
  • the content concludes by preparing the reader for questions that will require comparative analysis of the two passages, underscoring the importance of understanding both theoretical concepts and their practical applications.
introduction to comparative passages
theoretical principles of justice
practical application of justice principles
comparative analysis and preparation for questions