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home>preptest 73, passage 3, question 19
carl pyrdum
lesson by carl pyrdum
magoosh expert

the content provides a detailed explanation on how to approach a specific lsat question that asks for a claim attributed to marcuse, highlighting the importance of identifying details directly stated in the passage.
  • the correct answer is often explicitly stated in the passage, requiring careful reading to identify.
  • synonyms and rephrasing are common tactics used in the lsat to test understanding of the passage.
  • marcuse's theory, which is central to the question, is primarily discussed in the second paragraph of the passage.
  • the question demonstrates how to distinguish between correct and incorrect answers by closely analyzing marcuse's views on modern society and advertising.
  • it emphasizes the necessity of understanding the distinction between real and false needs as per marcuse's theory.
understanding detail questions
identifying marcuse's theory
distinguishing between real and false needs