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preptest 73, passage 2, question 14

carl pyrdum
lesson by carl pyrdum
magoosh expert

the content focuses on dissecting a specific lsat question type that asks about the purpose of a detail within a passage, using the concept of 'suspension of disbelief' as a case study.
  • purpose of a detail questions require understanding the author's overall agenda and how each part of the passage contributes to it.
  • the discussion of 'suspension of disbelief' contrasts photographic medium with paintings and theater, highlighting its unique impact on viewers.
  • correctly identifying the purpose of a detail involves eliminating answer choices that do not match the author's intent or misrepresent the passage's content.
  • the correct answer choice (b) identifies the contrast used by the author and the peculiar nature of our response to cameron's photographs.
  • other answer choices are incorrect because they misinterpret the passage, suggesting negative appraisals, conceptual confusion, or incorrect comparisons not supported by the text.
understanding purpose of detail questions
analyzing the suspension of disbelief
evaluating answer choices