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home>preptest 73, passage 2, question 9
carl pyrdum
lesson by carl pyrdum
magoosh expert

the content focuses on a detailed analysis of a specific lsat question, demonstrating how to dissect a question about the author's purpose for mentioning a detail within a passage.
  • the question revolves around understanding the purpose of mentioning props in the context of the passing of arthur, aiming to discern whether they highlight the artistic or amateur aspects of cameron's work.
  • the analysis emphasizes the importance of having a clear prediction of the function of argument pieces, which aids in efficiently selecting the correct answer.
  • answer choice a (examples of amateurish aspects of the work) is identified as the correct answer based on the props being characterized as amateur, aligning with the passage's portrayal of cameron's work.
  • other answer choices are systematically eliminated based on their relevance to the passage's content and the specific detail in question, demonstrating a critical approach to answering lsat questions.
  • the example illustrates a strategic approach to tackling purpose of detail questions on the lsat, highlighting the necessity of understanding the passage's overall agenda and the specific role of details within that context.
understanding the question
analyzing the passage context
evaluating answer choices