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preptest 73, passage 1, question 3

carl pyrdum
lesson by carl pyrdum
magoosh expert

the content provides a detailed analysis of how to approach detail questions on the lsat, specifically focusing on identifying what the author asserts about a given topic, using a question about genetic mutations as an example.
  • detail questions require finding information explicitly stated in the passage, often rephrased using synonyms.
  • the correct answer for the example question is that the majority of mutations have no effect on reproductive success, which is directly stated in the passage.
  • incorrect answers often distort passage content, introduce irrelevant comparisons, or mention correct concepts in a misleading context.
  • the passage clarifies that while mutations are discussed in relation to adaptive and non-adaptive traits, their frequency or impact is not tied to periods of mass extinctions or the size of species.
  • identifying the correct answer involves distinguishing between what is explicitly stated versus what is implied or unrelated.
understanding detail questions
analyzing answer choices