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home>preptest 73, passage 1, question 2
carl pyrdum
lesson by carl pyrdum
magoosh expert

the content focuses on strategies for tackling detail questions on the lsat, emphasizing the importance of directly referenced information in the passage for selecting the correct answer.
  • detail questions on the lsat are akin to an easter egg hunt, requiring test-takers to find specific information mentioned in the passage.
  • the correct answer to a detail question is always something that was explicitly stated in the passage.
  • using an example question about why mammals were able to survive catastrophic environmental changes, the explanation demonstrates how to identify the correct answer by referring back to the passage.
  • incorrect answers often include plausible but unsupported statements, highlighting the necessity of basing answers strictly on the passage content.
  • the example provided illustrates that the correct answer (mammals were relatively small) is directly supported by the passage, unlike the other options.
understanding detail questions
eliminating incorrect answers