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home>june 2007, logical reasoning 1, question 24
carl pyrdum
lesson by carl pyrdum
magoosh expert

the essence of tackling a principle-identify question on the lsat involves matching the scenario presented in the passage with an appropriate rule or generalization that accurately describes the scenario's outcome.
  • principle-identify questions require understanding the argument's conclusion and the reasoning behind it.
  • the argument discussed posits that designer interaction with consumers is more beneficial than relying solely on survey data for product design improvements.
  • the correct answer choice will be a rule or generalization that encapsulates the scenario described in the passage.
  • answer choice a, which states that getting consumer input for design modifications can contribute to successful product design, is identified as the correct answer because it directly reflects the scenario's outcome.
  • a review of incorrect answers is essential to understand why they do not apply to the scenario described.
understanding principle-identify questions
analyzing the argument
selecting the correct answer
evaluating incorrect answers