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home>june 2007, logical reasoning 1, question 20
carl pyrdum
lesson by carl pyrdum
magoosh expert

the content focuses on dissecting a strategy of argumentation question, specifically illustrating how to analyze and critique an argument by breaking it down into its conclusion and evidence, using a sample lsat question.
  • understanding the argument requires identifying the conclusion and the evidence presented.
  • the example provided contrasts the arguments of gamba and munoz regarding a new water system, highlighting the importance of scrutinizing the basis of claims.
  • gamba's critique centers on the inadequacy of the voting sample size to represent the city's population's view, challenging munoz's conclusion.
  • the correct answer choice (e) is identified by matching gamba's strategy of casting doubt on the conclusion due to an unreliable statistical sample.
  • this process exemplifies the method of reasoning questions on the lsat, emphasizing critical thinking and analytical skills.
understanding method of reasoning questions
breaking down the argument
analyzing answer choices
identifying the correct answer