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home>june 2007, logical reasoning 1, question 13
carl pyrdum
lesson by carl pyrdum
magoosh expert

the content provides an in-depth analysis of a sufficient assumption question on the lsat, focusing on identifying the conclusion, evaluating the evidence, and selecting the correct answer that closes all potential loopholes.
  • identifying the conclusion is the first step in addressing a sufficient assumption question.
  • the evidence presented must be thoroughly analyzed to understand the argument's basis concerning the relationship between two groups of aluminum cans, m and l.
  • a correct answer choice adds new information that, when combined with the existing evidence, conclusively proves the argument.
  • the process of elimination is used to identify the answer that effectively closes any gaps in the argument, with a focus on the recycling process and the efficiency of aluminum recovery.
  • answer choice c, stating that all aluminum in a can is recovered when recycled, is identified as the correct answer because it ensures m contains twice as many cans as l by closing the potential loophole regarding the recycling process.
introduction to sufficient assumption questions
identifying the conclusion and evidence
analyzing the argument's loopholes
selecting the correct answer