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june 2007, logical reasoning 1, question 12

the summary of the content focuses on strategies for tackling parallel reasoning questions on the lsat, highlighting their complexity, time-consuming nature, and the approach for identifying the correct answer.
  • parallel reasoning questions are designed to be time-consuming and complicated, often slowing down the test-taker.
  • the key to solving these questions is to deconstruct the argument in the stimulus into its component parts, identifying its conclusion, evidence, and overall structure.
  • the correct answer will mirror the structure of the argument in the stimulus, despite potentially differing in content or the order of presentation.
  • language in these questions can be intentionally confusing, with longer answer choices adding to their difficulty.
  • the process involves comparing the conclusions and evidence of the answer choices to those in the stimulus to find a match in logical structure.
understanding parallel reasoning questions
strategies for approaching parallel reasoning
identifying the correct answer
analyzing answer choices