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june 2007, passage 4, question 25

carl pyrdum
lesson by carl pyrdum
magoosh expert

the content provides a detailed explanation on how to approach detail questions on the lsat, specifically focusing on identifying what specific phrases or sets of words refer to within a passage.
  • detail questions ask what a specific phrase or set of words is referring to in the passage, often termed as vocabulary in context questions.
  • the strategy to tackle these questions involves rereading the context around the references to understand the phrase's meaning.
  • an example provided illustrates the process of eliminating incorrect answer choices based on the understanding of the term 'documentary record' as used in the passage.
  • the correct answer choice is identified by matching the phrase's reference in the passage to the surviving documents from the studied time period, not to current analyses or writings.
  • incorrect answer choices are systematically ruled out by clarifying what the 'documentary record' does not refer to, emphasizing the importance of context in answering these questions.
understanding detail questions
strategy for tackling vocabulary in context questions
identifying the correct answer