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june 2007, passage 3, question 21

the discussion of telephone answering machine messages in the lsat passage primarily serves to illustrate an analogy supporting the author's argument that placing links on the web does not constitute copyright infringement, and therefore, should not be met with stricter laws.
  • the analogy of answering machine messages is used to clarify why web linking is not a form of distribution.
  • the author argues against the notion that web users who place links are distributors, siding with the perspective that this does not infringe on copyright laws.
  • the purpose of detailed questions on the lsat is highlighted, emphasizing the need for understanding the role of specific parts within the author's overall argument.
  • answer choice analysis demonstrates the importance of aligning the selected answer with the author's main argument and avoiding misleading options.
understanding detailed questions
analyzing the analogy
deciphering the correct answer
concluding with the right choice