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home>june 2007, passage 2, question 11
carl pyrdum
lesson by carl pyrdum
magoosh expert

the content focuses on dissecting an inference question related to comparative passages on the lsat, highlighting the methodology to identify disagreements between authors on specific assertions.
  • inference questions require proving an answer with information from the passage, even if not directly stated.
  • for comparative passages, the challenge is to infer distinct beliefs of each author and identify a point of disagreement.
  • the process involves elimination of answer choices based on whether both authors' perspectives can be definitively known and if they differ.
  • answer choice d is identified as correct because it represents a topic on which the authors of passages a and b have clearly opposing views.
  • the methodology emphasizes understanding authors' viewpoints and using logical reasoning to deduce the correct answer.
understanding inference questions
identifying authors' disagreements
analyzing answer choices