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home>june 2007, passage 2, setup
carl pyrdum
lesson by carl pyrdum
magoosh expert

the content provides an in-depth analysis of two scientific passages on the origins of music, highlighting their comparative aspects and the relationship between music and language.
  • both passages explore the origins of music, presenting differing viewpoints on whether music and language evolved together or if music evolved for specific evolutionary purposes.
  • passage a suggests music and language arose together, with music being an evolutionary 'bonus' without a specific adaptive role, primarily focusing on their similarities and the evidence from brain imaging.
  • passage b argues that music evolved independently as a crucial tool for bonding mothers and children, supported by evidence like lullabies and ritual sequential behavior.
  • the analysis emphasizes understanding the main points of each passage and the contrasting explanations they provide for the evolution of music.
  • it's important to note the sources of the passages and consider the relationship between the two as they discuss similar topics from different perspectives.
introduction to comparative passages
analysis of passage a: music and language evolution
analysis of passage b: music's evolutionary purpose
comparative analysis and preparation for questions