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home>june 2007, passage 1, setup
carl pyrdum
lesson by carl pyrdum
magoosh expert

the passage provides an insightful exploration into the traditional division between poetry and fiction in the united states, highlighting the evolving perspectives that challenge this separation.
  • the passage begins by establishing the conventional division between poetry and fiction in the united states, rooted in academia and broader cultural attitudes.
  • it presents the traditional reasons for this division, with poetry associated with thoughts and feelings, and fiction with narratives and characters.
  • the author questions the necessity of such a strict divide, pointing to a cultural suspicion of generalists as a contributing factor.
  • the narrative shifts to the author's view that this division is diminishing, exemplified by the work of writer rita dove, who blends elements of both genres in her work.
  • rita dove is presented as a case study, not the central argument, but as evidence of the broader trend towards the merging of poetry and fiction.
the traditional division
cultural attitudes towards genre
the evolving perspective
rita dove: a case study