{"id":2474,"date":"2014-08-07t09:00:20","date_gmt":"2014-08-07t09:00:20","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.catharsisit.com\/sat\/?p=2474"},"modified":"2019-12-26t10:04:29","modified_gmt":"2019-12-26t18:04:29","slug":"how-positive-thinking-benefits-test-takers","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.catharsisit.com\/hs\/act\/how-positive-thinking-benefits-test-takers\/","title":{"rendered":"how positive thinking benefits test-takers"},"content":{"rendered":"

it\u00b4s hard not to imagine worst-case scenarios as test day looms ever closer, but did you know this could actually harm your test score? being pessimistic is not only worse for your health<\/a> in the long run, but it also results in less productivity and more stress.<\/p>\n

there is a key difference between pessimism and optimism. pessimists often blame themselves for failure and are less likely to try again after a setback. optimists retain faith in themselves and try again and again. and again. according to scientific studies, optimists also do better on tests.<\/p>\n

in one study<\/a> by the university of toronto, scientists proved that when in a positive mood, your visual cortex absorbs more information. in contrast, negative moods literally result in tunnel vision!<\/p>\n

therefore, staying optimistic while you\u2019re taking a big exam is a major factor in your test performance.<\/p>\n

there are tons of other studies with similar results. take the \u201ci\u2019m bad at math\u201d myth<\/a>, for example. people who convince themselves that they\u2019re naturally terrible at math often end up doing worse than people of similar ability who believe that their math ability is something that can be changed. if you believe that you\u2019re destined to fail the sat because you\u2019re \u201cjust not a good test-taker,\u201d you might actually perform worse than if you had a positive mindset.<\/strong><\/p>\n

overall, thinking optimistically will result in less stress and an overall positive effect on your body.<\/p>\n

pro tip: if you want to feel maximum optimism, i guarantee you\u2019ll feel much better if you stand on top of your desk and just…<\/p>\n

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what you can do to become an optimist<\/h2>\n

so, how do you become an optimist? a lot of people, including me, automatically tend towards negative thoughts. i remember walking into the test room on the day of the sat and thinking i would utterly fail! there are so many benefits to optimism, but it\u00b4s frustrating when a negative mindset is preventing you from achieving it. there are lots of ways to slowly adjust your state of mind…both in the long run and on the day of the test!
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in the long run<\/h3>\n

1) adjust your thoughts!<\/strong><\/p>\n

this is the absolute biggest <\/em>part about becoming a positive thinker. whenever you catch yourself thinking negatively (i.e. \u201ci\u00b4m going to do terribly tomorrow.\u201d), stop yourself! if you can\u2019t convince yourself with a positive thought (“i\u2019m going to ace this test!”), at least think neutrally (“i\u2019ll just try my best, and what happens, happens.”) try to catch yourself every time pessimistic thoughts start to flood your mind.<\/p>\n

visualize positive scenarios. every night, visualize yourself receiving an amazing test score. it\u2019s amazing how much this can do in combatting pessimism.<\/p>\n

2) surround yourself with positivity!<\/strong><\/p>\n

make realistic, yet positive statements and write them down. write encouraging messages on index cards and stick them around your house! change your phone wallpaper to an inspirational message. every day, write down three things that made you happy. if you\u2019re surrounded by positivity, it\u00b4ll be a lot easier to think<\/em> positively.<\/p>\n

3) relax!<\/strong><\/p>\n

this sounds obvious, but don\u2019t underestimate its importance. relaxation is key to adjusting into a more positive mood. don\u2019t just cram the nights before you prepare for the test. do things that make you happy. go to a yoga class or read a good book. remind yourself that there are really more important things in life than the sat.<\/p>\n

better yet, make fun of yourself. for real! if you\u2019re going to think of a worst-case scenario, turn it into a comically<\/em> terrible<\/em> worst-case scenario. if you\u2019re fretting about doing badly on a test, imagine yourself failing. then imagine yourself becoming homeless. imagine your little cardboard box. imagine selling bad finger paintings for food. imagine yourself being pelted by tomatoes because your finger paintings are so terrible.<\/p>\n

you are going to be pelted by tomatoes as a finger-painting hobo if you don\u2019t do well on the sat. oh no. but seriously\u2014when you tease yourself and take control <\/em>of your negativity, you\u00b4ll feel a lot less pessimistic.
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day of the test<\/h3>\n

continue thinking positively on the big day! keep these tips in mind before you grab that pencil and ace the test.<\/p>\n