{"id":13031,"date":"2018-07-08t16:20:02","date_gmt":"2018-07-08t23:20:02","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.catharsisit.com\/hs\/?p=13031"},"modified":"2021-08-25t16:45:13","modified_gmt":"2021-08-25t23:45:13","slug":"top-ten-ways-to-prepare-for-the-sat","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.catharsisit.com\/hs\/sat\/top-ten-ways-to-prepare-for-the-sat\/","title":{"rendered":"top 10 ways to prepare for the sat"},"content":{"rendered":"


you have to perform well on the sat exam in order to have your pick of colleges, but where do you start? we’ll share our ten best study tips to help you in preparing for the sat. best of all, some of the tips are easier than you might think!<\/p>\n

how to prepare for the sat: top study tips<\/h2>\n

1. read lots of nonfiction outside of class<\/h3>\n

the sat is very heavy on reading<\/a>\u2014you\u2019ll have five long, dense passages one after another in an hour. it\u2019s not that the questions are difficult. indeed, they are pretty straightforward. but it\u2019s the reading part that is tough, because your brain will likely run out of energy sometime during the section (hopefully not during the first passage!).<\/p>\n

to prevent this from happening, do lots of nonfiction reading when preparing for the sat. the reason is four of the five passages you\u2019ll see will be nonfiction. high school reading curriculum tends to lean mostly towards fiction. to counterbalance that\u2014and prepare for sat reading in general\u2014pick up a magazine (time<\/em> for the newbies, the new yorker<\/em> for the more ambitious) or a newspaper (the new york times<\/em> is excellent all around).<\/p>\n

since your \u201creading brain\u201d won\u2019t sprout overnight, this is an area in which you\u2019ll want to get a jumpstart. so hit the books (er, online magazines) now.<\/p>\n

2. learn how to do mental math<\/h3>\n

one of the two math sections<\/a> on the sat will not allow you to use a calculator. however, you don\u2019t have to get stuck doing equations with only a no. 2 pencil.<\/p>\n

prepare for sat math by using your brain as your “mental calculator.” you\u2019ll save a lot of time on test day if you know the answer to, say, 3 \u00d7 13 right off the bat. not sure where to start? magoosh’s free, downloadable math ebook<\/a> has shortcuts and example problems to make mental math easier.<\/p>\n

3. brush up on grammar<\/h3>\n

almost half of the verbal section<\/a> is made up of grammar questions. while many have to do with \u201cbig picture\u201d essay questions, others rely on basic grammar. you might dread the thought of learning grammar, but it is one of the easiest topics to improve on when preparing for the sat.<\/p>\n

4. use the best sat prep materials<\/h3>\n

there are lots of study materials out there. not all are created equal; in fact some will hurt your score by providing you with questions that aren\u2019t representative of the actual test. take a look at some of the best study resources below or check out this comprehensive review of the best sat prep courses<\/a>.<\/p>\n