{"id":10740,"date":"2017-11-24t10:00:31","date_gmt":"2017-11-24t18:00:31","guid":{"rendered":"\/\/www.catharsisit.com\/hs\/?p=10740"},"modified":"2018-10-24t03:34:26","modified_gmt":"2018-10-24t10:34:26","slug":"us-history-questions-master","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"\/\/www.catharsisit.com\/hs\/ap\/us-history-questions-master\/","title":{"rendered":"9 us history questions to master for your apush exam"},"content":{"rendered":"

these nine topics—one from each of the nine apush periods<\/a>—form the basis for many of the us history questions that you\u2019ll see on your apush exam<\/a>. ask yourself these questions, check your answer, and then click on the links to corresponding resources to learn more about the topic. <\/p>\n

period 1 (1491-1607) <\/h2>\n

question: how did the encomienda system affect native american cultures?<\/h4>\n


the encomienda system<\/a> was used by spanish settlers in the new world. the spanish used native americans as forced labor on their farms and in their mines. supposedly, the spanish were offering the native americans who worked for them the benefit of protection, but the laborers were often exploited and abused. it amounted to a system of slavery that had lasting negative effects on tribal populations and cultural identities. <\/p>\n

period 2 (1607-1754) <\/h2>\n

question: how did the motivations for settlement differ among the british colonies? <\/h4>\n


the first colony, virginia, was founded by a joint stock company<\/a> out of a purely economic motive. they were looking for gold and other natural resources in order to bring more wealth back to england. other southern colonies tended to have economic motivations as well. both north and south carolina were founded for the purpose of profit from farming and trade. georgia was originally conceived as a debtor colony. <\/p>\n

in contrast, new england colonies were founded with religious motivations. plymouth colony<\/a>, which later became part of massachusetts, was famously settled by pilgrims seeking religious freedom. they, along with puritans elsewhere in massachusetts, sought to be a shining example of morality. this led to extremism and a close connection between church and state, which drove factions to leave the colony (some by choice and some by force) and start their own. these included: <\/p>\n