comments on: sat test help: what to do if you’re a slow test taker - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life thu, 16 mar 2017 01:46:21 +0000 hourly 1 by: roger // thu, 16 mar 2017 01:46:21 +0000 // the education system is a complete failure, standardized testing is in no way a good measurement for one’s intelligence. i am an a+ student, literally, and have been for all my 4 years of high school. however i’m now thinking of not continuing higher education. you’re going to measure my intelligence by how fast i can fill some bubbles in a transcript!? seriously, i am probably one of the world’s slowest test takers, however i average 98%+ in every subject because i take my time, the sat and act both don’t let me take my time. i’m sure any employer would want me to do tasks accurately and a little bit slower rather than quickly and with lots of mistakes. if my comment isn’t allowed it only shows that the sat is a money game, a game which works for c students! c students can c everything for four years and then score incredibly high on the sat just because they are quicker test takers, then they get into universities while the a+ student looses out and we stay in community college for decades! the education system works for the lazy! wake up people!
