comments on: sat subject-verb agreement quiz - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life sat, 21 jul 2018 14:30:28 +0000 hourly 1 by: mike // tue, 15 sep 2015 14:34:43 +0000 // that question wasnt really clear , what i meant to say was ” can u please indicate the main subjects for each verb”

by: jan // fri, 06 feb 2015 15:51:57 +0000 // in reply to talhazahid.

subject is “the number”. it’s singular. “of americans” is an intervening phrase.

by: talhazahid // fri, 23 jan 2015 07:11:13 +0000 // the answer for question 1 is wrong americans is the subject its plural so verb should also be plural but has is singular ,there is no error in the sentence so the answer is e .

by: chris lele // thu, 06 nov 2014 23:17:00 +0000 // in reply to shahidor rahman.

hi shahidor,

good question! so, when a phrase starts off with a gerund, we consider it singular. another way to think of it is by adding a word in front of the gerund: “(the act of) beaming satellite images…”

“the act of” or any other logical word you put in front of the phrase is singular. therefore, the verb relating to that phrase has to be in singular form.

here are a few more examples:

looking for truffles is common hobby in certain parts of the country.
finding out your sat scores is always nerve-wracking.

looking for truffles and studying for the sat are two ways to spend your weekend.

notice in the last sentence we have two gerunds: “looking” and “studying”. therefore, “are” is used.

hope that helps 🙂

by: shahidor rahman // thu, 06 nov 2014 09:51:59 +0000 // hi.

i’m a little confused about question 4. why (b) is not incorrect as the subject is “beaming satellite images” which seems plural. please help out.

by: chris lele // wed, 26 mar 2014 18:59:27 +0000 // in reply to isaac rider.

thanks isaac for helping this student out. we’ve had some issues on comments on our blogs that–hopefully–are finally resolved. thanks to helpful users like you, at least not everybody went without an explanation :).

by: isaac rider // thu, 06 feb 2014 22:00:49 +0000 // i cannot believe someone hasn’t replied to your question yet, ellen! the reason question 2’s option b is correct is because the members, people, of number, the subject of the sentence, are acting independently. the word number has an odd subject-agreement rule. when the members of number are acting collectively or as one single entity, number takes on a singular form and thus requires a singular verb; e.g., the large number of kids cheers for the team. when the members of number are acting independently or separately, however, number takes on a plural form and thus requires a plural verb; e.g., a large number of kids start up their cars and drive to their homes. i hope this explanation helped clear up some of your confusion!

by: ellen // fri, 16 aug 2013 20:10:56 +0000 // shouldn’t b. be “chooses” for #2? it seems like there are two errors in that one. if not, could you explain why?
