comments on: sat calculators - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life wed, 15 apr 2015 23:22:29 +0000 hourly 1 by: lucas // fri, 17 oct 2014 19:08:52 +0000 // in reply to gail.

hi gail,

thank you for pointing that out! that was our mistake—alphabetic keyboards are allowed, as with the ti calculator you mentioned, but qwerty keyboards aren’t allowed. i’ll fix that mistake now. i also appreciate your feedback about how useful calculators can be. i do understand that a calculator can be used for a number of questions on the test, but in most cases you cannot rely on the calculator alone (even if it is a very nice calculator), and the tasks that the calculator can help with are fairly straight-forward. the more challenging questions on the sat are difficult in ways that calculators rarely help with, in my experience, because they focus more on seeing patterns or understanding how to manipulate information, rather than on simply solving for a variable. i can tell you that i took an sat just a few months ago, and i only used my calculator two or three times during the test, and it was only to double check my math. there were a few other questions that i could have used it, but it would only have slowed me down. you’d be absolutely right to point out that i’m a teacher with years of experience with sat math, so that’s not a typical case (i absolutely recommend that students have a calculator and know how to use it to it’s max potential), but that’s where some of what i say in this post comes from. 🙂 thanks again!

by: gail // wed, 15 oct 2014 13:01:32 +0000 // as an experienced tutor, i have to disagree with this page.
calculators with alphabetic keyboards are allowed on the sat. calculators with
qwerty keyboards are not allowed.
a prime example of an allowed calculator with an alphabetic keyboard is the ti-nspire cx cas. the algebraic functions of the calculator, together with the alphabetic keyboard, can be very helpful to students who are not that strong in algebra, but who know how to use their cas calculators.
the idea that a calculator does not make a difference on the sat is out-of-date. i wonder whether the author of this blog, like the writers of the sat, has a clear idea of how many questions can be answered more easily with a cas calculator.
