comments on: preparing for the sat as a non-native english speaker - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life fri, 25 may 2018 18:22:31 +0000 hourly 1 by: magoosh test prep expert // fri, 25 may 2018 18:22:31 +0000 // in reply to somda roxane.

hi somda,

i’m glad that you are finding our website helpful! i’m not sure if you’ll find anyone here who is able to tutor you for free through this comment (but you never know!), but i can certainly provide you with some free resources that you can use to help you prepare for the sat! reading our blog is a great way to learn about the sat and the strategies you will need for success in the sat. in particular, you might find these blog posts and ebooks helpful:
here’s a link to our sat ebook
here’s a link to our sat math formula ebook
here’s a link to our guide to sat logistics (test structure, scoring, how to register, where to find prep materials, etc…)

best of luck!

by: somda roxane // sat, 19 may 2018 21:39:56 +0000 // hello,

i am not actually wrting a comment. well, in the first place i really like this website conten. i believe that you are the best people to help me improve my sat score. i am in grade 11 and english is my second language. my biggest goal is to achieve a score of 1480 on the sat. i really need a high score to get scholarships.
i recently receive my sat score which is 1230 (not good at all). i really need a tutor to help me and i swear i will not disappoint. i saw the different plan for sat study plan, but there are really expensive for me to get the chance to have your intensive help. please can you tutor me, have me as your student for the following 3 months. even though i will not be able to pay you, i promise i will remain determined, focused and grateful. i have only one last chance, in october 2018 and then i will apply to colleges. please help me, tutor me , teach me and put me on a schedule. i really need help and i am desperate too. by the way i am from burkina faso.i hope you will not think i am exaggerating or annoying you. thank you for understanding me, i really hope you are going to answer me soon.
