comments on: how to study for the sat: your one month study plan - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life mon, 20 jan 2020 15:29:34 +0000 hourly 1 by: david recine // mon, 10 jul 2017 14:56:13 +0000 // in reply to jaideep singh.

if i understand correctly, you’ll need to take both the sat and toefl in the next five months?

in that case, i recommend looking at our sat study schedules and our toefl study schedules for ideas on how to study for both exams.

you should also be aware of both the differences and similarities between toefl and sat.

let’s talk differences. most obviously, the toefl requires listening and speaking, while the sat doesn’t. but there are other differences too. the sat’s reading questions focus on logic, testing to see if you are able to understand and analyze the logic of a passage. in contrast, toefl reading is much more about language, and tests whether or not you can understand the vocabulary and grammar in the reading. and the sat essay (optional but recommended) requires you to analyze an argument in-depth, while toefl writing task 1 only asks you to summarize someone else’s analysis of an argument.

still, there are similarities. both the sat and toefl ask you to make inferences and comprehend key vocabulary words in passages. additionally, the grammar in the writing and language part of the sat is very helpful on the toefl. the toefl doesn’t directly test grammar in the same way as the sat, but the same grammar principles will help you with your comprehension, speech and writing. in general, you can see the toefl as a warmup for the sat. the toefl requires basically good english proficiency, and the sat asks you to bring those english skills up to a new level.

by: jaideep singh // sun, 09 jul 2017 12:54:18 +0000 // hi, this is jaideep i’m from india, i am starting my first year at college here.but i wanna give the sat and apply, so apparently, i have about 5 months to submit my full application so i want a little bit advice on how to make a schedule for all theses papers i.e sat and toefl.

by: magoosh test prep expert // mon, 22 aug 2016 20:50:43 +0000 // in reply to ruby.

i’m glad that our plan can really help you. one of the great things about this study schedule is that it is deigned to be flexible in terms of scheduling and materials. there isn’t an exact equivalent to magoosh sat premium. but there are materials that offer similar support. as a substitute for our premium lesson videos, consider khan academy— especially for math. khan academy offers many math videos beyond its sat ones. and a lot of their non-sat math material is still relevant to the exam. and for sat writing, khan has a whole section of video lessons devoted to grammar.

for practice questions, used editions of good unofficial sat books can sometimes be more affordable than a full magoosh subscription… assuming you can find some good bargain prices on sites like as you hunt for an affordable roster of used books, be sure to check out our book reviews of different sat books. and be sure to also go through all of the free sat practice offered right here on the magoosh high school blog.

in a pinch, you can also use some act materials to supplement your sat materials in your free/budgeted version of our study plan. act math, reading, and english are not identical to sat math, reading, and writing. but they’re similar enough that you’ll find quite a few act materials can double as sat prep. check out our list of free act materials, and look through our act archives for posts and practice questions that may be useful to you.

by: ruby // sun, 14 aug 2016 20:22:58 +0000 // hi i’m getting ready for my sat in october, and finding
this day-to-day plan is a blessing for me. however,
i don’t have the financial means for purchasing your
magoosh sat prep and am wondering if there are any
alternatives that can use for test practice. thanks!

by: magoosh test prep expert // fri, 12 aug 2016 12:09:42 +0000 // in reply to akanksha.

hi akanksha,

we are hoping to expand our offerings in the future, but right now we only have materials for the general sat. if you look at student forums for the sat subject tests, many great students have advice for you! good luck. 🙂

by: akanksha // thu, 11 aug 2016 08:11:39 +0000 // do you prepare schedules for sat subject tests?

by: magoosh test prep expert // tue, 14 jun 2016 03:57:05 +0000 // in reply to lynn jacobsen.

great question! the study schedule is referring to any of the passages in magoosh’s online sat question bank, which is available to anyone with a magoosh sat premium subscription.

by: lynn jacobsen // sat, 16 apr 2016 06:35:52 +0000 // the one month study schedule on day 3 states “• do one complete passage from magoosh questions (10 or 11 questions) under the reading section. what passage does this refer to?

by: kristin fracchia // mon, 04 apr 2016 21:23:51 +0000 // in reply to md. wasiul hossain.

hello, we are so sorry for the confusion! the link to the ebook the complete guide to the new sat is now up! you can click on the link here or scroll up to resources to find it! best of luck studying; we are rooting for you!

by: md. wasiul hossain // mon, 04 apr 2016 11:17:00 +0000 // where is the magosh ebook that are mention in the one month study plan …..and i find a link which says it’s complete guide to sat ….is that the ebook….?? i’ve download it bt the topics which are include in the study plan does’nt match in the ebook…! i mean i can’t find it…! please reply fast ! i’ve no time left…and i need to prep fast!
