comments on: how to improve your sat score by 300 points (or more!) - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life fri, 14 jul 2023 16:03:59 +0000 hourly 1 by: magoosh expert // fri, 14 jul 2023 16:03:59 +0000 // in reply to bemnet ashenafi.

hi bemnet,

we recommend that you review your first attempt and analyze what your weak areas are. then, work on studying those weak areas and learning from your mistakes there. working to improve your weak areas (sections, question types, etc.) should help to improve your score, but you’ll also want to study every day in a focused, organized manner. and be sure to take full-length practice tests to keep track of your progress as you study!

happy studying! 😀

by: bemnet ashenafi // sat, 08 jul 2023 18:29:55 +0000 // hey i am going take dsat on august my first attempt 1080 but i want to get 1450 please what should i

by: david recine // mon, 08 jul 2019 15:02:50 +0000 // in reply to kashish singhal.

the trick to improving in a given area of the sat is to carefully look at why you’re struggling in that area, kashish. once you’ve figured out your exact weaknesses, you can do some targeted preparation to address those weaknesses. identifying your strengths helps too, of course, as you can build on your strengths while you work to improve.

i see you’ve got a magoosh sat premium subscription, by the way. so i’ll give you some extra email support on this. (comes free of charge with a premium subscription, as you may know. 🙂 ) watch your inbox, and we’ll talk more soon!

by: kashish singhal // sun, 23 jun 2019 17:17:35 +0000 // hello,

i got a score of 1230 with no prep. now, i’m prepping with khan academy to increase my score. the only thing bringing down me is reading and writing section. i got 520 on it. how can i increase my score up 300+ points? thank you.

by: david recine // thu, 09 may 2019 20:32:51 +0000 // in reply to real name.

hi real name (if that is your real name 😉 ). great question! when it comes to improving in any subject, i always recommend keeping an error log. this can help you identify and address your weaknesses, while also finding the strengths you can build on. if you have specific questions about certain strengths and weaknesses you have within math or english, feel free to ask me about those in a follow-up comment. 🙂

by: real name // sun, 05 may 2019 04:42:47 +0000 // this is a bit late but i have got a 1060 on my psat, then i got a 1210 with a little bit of practice(not a lot).
i am trying to improve my score on both english and math. i scored decent on math but still aiming for 700+. it’s my english part that’s really holding me back.

by: magoosh test prep expert // tue, 02 apr 2019 02:51:31 +0000 // in reply to prashant.

hi prashant!

to improve on the writing section, you’ve got to know your grammar. but it’s more than just rules about commas and semicolons. you’ll also need to pay attention to the context of the passage and analyze the relationship between paragraphs.

please see this article for a good overview of this section. and here are two great articles on how to study for and improve on the writing section:

how to improve at sat writing
how to get a perfect score on sat writing

by: prashant // mon, 01 apr 2019 02:44:18 +0000 // hello
i every time lack in writing section of sat i only get 20 to 30 questions correct out of 44… what should i do for this?

by: shannon thompson // thu, 27 sep 2018 09:17:05 +0000 // nice one! you can also join study groups too. as the saying goes, there’s safety in numbers, and a study group is no exception. having regular study dates with a consistent group of classmates can be a great way to set goals, share strategies, and hold one another accountable. you can check with your high school, local library, or even a local community college to find a study group

by: magoosh test prep expert // fri, 15 jun 2018 19:02:58 +0000 // in reply to m.

hi there,

it’s important to understand the strategy required for the sat and have a strong grasp of math basics and math rules and properties. we have a few blog posts that will help you to improve your math skills and complement the information you find on khan academy:
improve sat math
mental math on the sat

good luck!
