comments on: how long should i study for the sat? - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life mon, 13 nov 2017 19:17:26 +0000 hourly 1 by: magoosh test prep expert // thu, 12 jan 2017 17:49:35 +0000 // in reply to aisha.

hi aisha,

you can definitely do it, as the sat is meant to capture the education you received along the way, not something you specifically have to do for the test (though sat-specific study certainly helps). if you can get some official sat materials to study from, and you explore resources on the internet, too, you can do this! 🙂

by: aisha // wed, 11 jan 2017 22:51:32 +0000 // i’m planning on taking the sat exam by the end of the year, which means i have a full year to prepare for it. but the problem is in my country there’s no tutoring or preparation help we only have the test center… if i work hard can i prepare myself from general books available for me and from the internet, and get the grades i want?

by: magoosh test prep expert // sun, 23 oct 2016 15:10:35 +0000 // in reply to dana issam.

hi dana,

honestly, the amount of time required to reach your target score varies student by student. two months can be sufficient, but i would first recommend that you take a mock exam to see where you stand compared to your target score. then, you can have a better idea of how much work you’ll need to put into your studies (e.g., hours per day, number of days). after your mock exam, if you believe you need more time to prepare, then it may be better to postpone your exam. however, if you feel confident, then you should definitely proceed with the scheduled date.

by: dana issam // sat, 22 oct 2016 20:09:26 +0000 // hello, 
i’m a student in grade 11. i’ll be taking sat for both maths and english with essay in two months. i wanted to ask is that enough to get a good in score in both
. how many hours per day should i study for the sat exam. my relatives talked to me about postponing the exam even though, i already paid for it. i’m nervous and confused about that. can you advise what to do? 
your help will be highly appreciated.


by: magoosh test prep expert // sat, 06 aug 2016 19:12:34 +0000 // in reply to kiran.

wow! what ambitious daughter you have. and what a great parent you are! 🙂 i have two main tips: first, make sure your daughter targets specific types of math problems that she hasn’t studied yet. she may be very good at math that she’s already completed coursework in. but there are probably some sat math areas where she still needs to learn and grow. you can go through a checklist of the different kinds of math problems on the sat by going here.

my other piece of advice is to make sure you’re using as many real sat practice tests and questions as possible. by “real,” i mean the practice materials sponsored by the college board. the khan academy tests qualify as real practice materials, as khan has an official partnership with the college board. you can see a list of all official sat practice on the college board website.

by: kiran // sat, 06 aug 2016 02:21:07 +0000 // hi,

my 12 yr old daughter( going to be in 7th grade in coming school year)
planning to take sat on dec 3rd to participate in duke tip. without any preparation, she took 1st practice test on khan academy on july 20th and got 1160(590 – reading,70- math).

now, she is practicing on khan academy regularly and able to answer 100 % of skill level 3 questions and 85% of skill level 4.

math seems she is still getting around close to 70%, seems she needs more practice there. her goal is to get combined score of 1300 plus.

she will take 2nd practice test on august 14th. she completed algebra 1 in 6th grade and geometry during this summer.

appreciate if you can recommend any tips and points us towards good material.

thanks in advance!

by: magoosh test prep expert // tue, 02 aug 2016 01:28:33 +0000 // in reply to alana.

sorry to hear that your math scores weren’t where they needed to be when you took the test. that’s always frustrating. it sounds like you’re on the right track though. since it’s summer, i would take as much time each day as you can to study math. certainly at least 2 hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week. more if you can. practicing problems, watching video lessons and re-watching video lessons are all good things to do if you want to boost your sat math score… and all of these activities can be pretty time consuming.

by: alana // fri, 22 jul 2016 04:15:56 +0000 // hello. i am a senior and will like to take the sat in october. i currently have a 1210. if my math score was higher, i probably would not bother retaking it since i had one of the highest scores in my class and i am only aiming for state schools. but i did not reach the benchmark. i got 500 compared to 530. i plan on khan academy. how long shouldi commit every day? math is my main focus as of now.

by: modestyblaze // tue, 26 jan 2016 20:00:31 +0000 // i have a son who is a junior in high school, a prof gamer – world smite level, but does not feel he needs to take any classes to do prepare for the sat exam. what is the best plan for me to help him be prepared for the exam. he says he will study by himself and i purchased “the official sat study guide” for him.
thank you!

by: mokshat sood // sat, 05 dec 2015 05:59:27 +0000 // hi. 
i’m an indian student in grade 11, and i plan on takiing the sat on january 23. i’ve taken a diagnostic test and practiced a little, but i still haven’t started studying for the test with full focus. i’m pretty good at math and writing. but cr is the one that causes problems. with about a month and a half left, what should be my study routine to score around 2200. i’m aiming for top schools in the us. 
thank you!
