comments on: best strategies for sat reading comprehension - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life mon, 22 aug 2016 20:31:16 +0000 hourly 1 by: magoosh test prep expert // mon, 22 aug 2016 20:31:16 +0000 // in reply to jimmy.

nice to hear that you’re doing so well on sat math and writing. it’s also wonderful to hear that you’ve been incorporating the many excellent strategies in this post. in addition to the strategies listed above, i recommend also building up your active reading skills.

for especially challenging sat passages, here’s a gre post you may find useful over on the magoosh gre blog. this post is written by the hs blog’s very own chris lele. some parts of the post are more applicable to gre, obviously. but i think you’ll also find that a lot of the tips in chris’s gre post can help you boost your sat reading score too.

by: jimmy // sat, 20 aug 2016 04:24:37 +0000 // hi! i am doing well on my math and writing portions of the test; however, reading is the only thing holding me back from a high score. are there any ways i can improve my reading skills and get my score higher? i’ve been incorporating these strategies, so any help could do. thanks!

by: magoosh test prep expert // sun, 14 aug 2016 01:46:33 +0000 // in reply to mer377.

that’s a good question, mer. a number of sat preppers face this challenge– especially developmental readers and writers, and esl students. when this happens, i always recommend that students use some vocabulary materials and strategies from the toefl along with their regular sat prep materials. magoosh offers a free toefl vocabulary pdf, and on our magoosh toefl blog, we’ve written a post about guessing the meanings of more common academic vocabulary words— and being able to understand the whole passage even if you miss some words that are more “basic.”

another thing i recommend you do is pay attention to the forms of words— prefixes, suffixes, root words, etc… if you think of words in terms of their individual parts, you can often guess at the meaning of a word just by looking at its beginnings, endings, and roots.

by: mer377 // sat, 13 aug 2016 11:22:57 +0000 // hello
thank you for your article.
my problem is i don’t know the meaning of words like “suppressed” or “contained” . so how do you think i can fix the problem of not knowing basic words?

by: chris lele // wed, 21 oct 2015 00:02:33 +0000 // in reply to hanshika.

hi hanshika,

so the ultimate book for practice questions is the official study guide by the sat. the bad news is the strategies at the beginning are presented in 
a really dull manner and aren’t that helpful. the good news is all those practice questions are available for free on the khan academy.

for strategies, i recommend barron’s. kaplan isn’t bad for math; but it’s verbal is not very good. the princeton review is good for some students, but it tends to dumb 
down the test. in addition to being the best for strategy, barron’s also writes the best practice questions of that bunch, but you are still best off with official study guide
practice questions. 

hope that helps you on the right study path! and don’t hesitate to ask any more questions 🙂

by: hanshika // tue, 20 oct 2015 16:43:41 +0000 // hey these tips were really useful. i am going to take the redesigned sat in 2016  can suggest a ultimate book where i can find maths ,comprehension ,vocabulary all for the necessary sat prep??? please help

by: chris lele // wed, 26 mar 2014 18:57:06 +0000 // in reply to amogh.

hi amogh,

sorry for getting back to you so long after your comment. with the flood of comments we get, yours unfortunately got buried. but i’m getting to it now :).

so, i have the perfect book for you:

high-frequency sat words, presented in a readable format–you’re not just memorizing lists, you are actually learning words.

hope that helps!

by: amogh // sun, 23 feb 2014 16:58:36 +0000 // hey chris,
its really helpful all of your content is to the point and is brilliant. thank you for all the help and support you have provided in helping us with our sat and all the important strategies. and i have a question regarding the vocab. im losing a lot of points cause of this,can you suggest me some words or a wordlist that comes up frequently on the sat?
