search results for: “gpa”

  • 3 mistakes successful college applicants don’t make

    what’s the best (and least painful) way to succeed? learn from the mistakes of others! today, our friends at accepted share 3 common mistakes you need to avoid. the preparation for successful college application does not happen overnight. in fact, it is the culmination of years of work throughout high school. the most successful college…

  • sage magoosh wisdom: 10 things you need to know about dorm life

    an inevitable change that comes with the victorious freedom of moving out, and the intense education-level up that is college, dorm life is a minefield of unknown challenges. to help prepare you for this next great task, the massively wise magoosh team of magical sages got together to come up with a list of ten…

  • top college research engines

    college research engines are the best-kept secret of the 21st century college applicant. virtually no one i know used one, yet they are incredible tools that can help guide you through the massive labyrinth that is university research. the only problem is—which one? this post was created to help you figure out just that. keep…

  • high school freshman year bucket list

    contrary to what some sources claim, your freshman year of high school does matter. for tons of incoming freshmen, this year will mark the beginning of the long, arduous journey to college. and if you’re a freshman, though you certainly don’t have to stress over college this early, this is a great year to get…

  • want a well-rounded college application? join the club.

    all college applicants have heard that their applications absolutely have to be “well-rounded”. but what does that even mean? luckily, our friends at are here to show us how “well-rounded” isn’t the same for everyone, and how to make it work for you. sometimes when you are researching colleges, it seems like you need…

  • common mistakes that will kill your college essay

    it’s summer! you’re off to the beach to go and sunbathe and worry about nothing for three mon— ha. oh, wait. you’re technically a senior now, which means that, for the next six months, you’re saddled to that lovely bundle of joy known as…college apps! i’m sure you’re positively enthused. summer is the prime time…

  • in praise of the safety school

    my name is peter, and i work at magoosh doing business development and sales. i used to teach high school math (your favorite!), and i joined the magoosh team after going to business school. for those of you who can count, that means that i’m old. but, look — i can use gifs! so i’m…

  • sat information for parents

    for well over a year, we’ve been writing posts aimed at students (“how to get a high sat score”, “how to spot a dangling modifier”, etc.). not that there haven’t been useful tips for parents; there just hasn’t been anything directly targeted towards parents. until now. but if you are the parent of a high…

  • how to study for both the sat and your ap tests

    everybody knows it, and everybody says it: junior year can be hellish. clearly, the pressure’s on. if you’re taking on a rigorous course load, then you may be in a pretty tight spot right now, studying for both the sat and your ap tests. and even if you’re not in any ap classes, this post…

  • admissions officers are people too

    do you ever wonder who looks at your college application after you click “submit”? as it turns out, admissions officers aren’t as mysterious as you might think. today, our friends at offer you a look inside a college adcom. enjoy! looking inside the closed doors of a college admissions committee. the college application process…