nadira berman

the ultimate senioritis playlist

hey class of 2015! it’s second semester senior year.

this means a combination of excitement…


and laziness.


but let’s be honest, it mostly means laziness.

unfortunately, we still have several months until graduation, even though we’re all sooooooo done.


here are some songs that basically sum up life right about now.


1. “the lazy song” – bruno mars

“today i don’t feel like doing anything…”

just one day? more like “this semester i don’t feel like doing anything.”

this song basically sums up the quintessential second semester senior attitude. with no college applications or sats and grades mattering less than ever, it’s easy to lose your motivation. but hey, we deserve a break! sometimes it’s good to be lazy.

2. “i’m a mess” – ed sheeran

ed’s not the only one who’s a mess. i’ve given up on organization at this point. but does it really matter?

3. “wake me up” – avicii

“so wake me up when it’s all over…”

yes, please! wake me up when it’s graduation! do i seriously have to sit through these next few months in class?

4. “helena beat” – foster the people

“you know those days when you want to just choose
to not get out of bed, you’re lost in your head again.”

this is me every morning. you mean i still have to get up and go to high school at 8 am?

5. “where is my mind” – pixies

where is my mind? probably day dreaming about college…

6. “marchin on” – onerepublic

“we’re marching on.”

we just need to push through guys! we can make it!


  • nadira berman

    as a summer marketing intern, nadira is excited to help high schoolers prepare for the sat and act. as a freshman at the university of pennsylvania, she is considering studying economics. in her free time, she reports for the school newspaper and styles photo shoots for the school’s fashion magazine. besides fashion and journalism, her passions include bagels, smoothies and netflix.

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