dana sinclair



noun re·sil·ience \ri-ˈzil-yən(t)s\

  1. the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens
  2. the ability of something to return to its original shape after it has been pulled, stretched, pressed, bent, etc.


between studying for the act, sat, maintaining a well rounded gpa, extracurriculars, and maybe applying to colleges (if you’re a senior), high school can be overwhelming. we are only human, and sometimes our best may seem like it’s not good enough. the stress from all this can add up, and life may prove to be too difficult.


being a teenager is hard. it is easy to lose yourself, your goals, and your vision. sometimes it is difficult for adults to remember, but the stress put on us during our high school career has a large effect on us.

it is understandable why many teenagers lose their way off the road to college. the stress that we put on ourselves to do well can actually lead us off the road. sometimes, the pressure becomes too much and giving up seems like the only solution.

giving up is never the only solution. throughout life you will be put through countless situations where giving up seems like the only answer, but you have to be resilient. there is always a second choice, and there is always people who will support you on your way back onto the road. being resilient means even when you feel as though you can’t recover, you try anyway. you use all the strength you can muster and try anyway.

ways to build resilience:


  1. write down short and long terms goals. this will help you organize your life and give you a clear idea on what you need to do in order to keep everything on track. remember to stay realistic in order to minimize stress.
  2. own up to the issue. instead of hiding from your problems or giving up, own up to the situations in your life. this will help you find solutions to fixing the issue rather than quitting altogether.
  3. think positive. if you think negatively, your outcomes will be negative. always think positively and have confidence in yourself.
  4. love yourself. this means trusting yourself as well. trust the choices you make. love yourself by believing you can set your mind to whatever it is you’re doing.


once you identify why you do the things you do, your inspiration, hold onto to it tight and never let it go. keep it close for those days you feel like giving up. be brave, be resilient. you can do it.



  • dana sinclair

    dana is a current high school senior who enjoys writing when she has a free moment. when she’s not studying, reading, or interning, she loves to go exploring the bay area with her friends. she loves discovering new activities and learning as much as she can. she hopes to help fellow students achieve their goal by sharing her knowledge on how to navigate high school life.

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