category: high school life

  • four reasons to take a summer class

    when summer comes around, usually all we want to do is sit back and relax by the pool. but taking a summer class can be both useful and fun. here are four reasons why.

  • junior year checklist

    junior year is stressful and confusing for everyone. there’s so much to do! if you’re unfamiliar with all of the steps of the college process, i’m here to help.

  • how to study for finals or semester exams over winter break

    if your school’s final exams (or semester exams) are after your winter holiday, it can be easy to fall into one of two extreme camps: either you spend the whole break studying (or at the very least, worrying about studying) or you don’t do anything at all because, hey, you’re on break! avoid these traps…

  • the four worst mistakes you can make while studying

    now that it’s midterm season at college, everyone is hunkering down and hitting the books. but in order to succeed at studying, there are a few crucial mistakes that everyone must avoid.

  • four things i wish i knew about ap courses freshman year

    it’s not harder than a prep course when i took my first ap class , i went in with the idea that it would require more knowledge than a regular prep course. as the year progressed, i learned that in comparison to other prep courses i was taking, my ap class wasn’t much harder. the…

  • snack your way smarter

    if you know me, you know i love to eat. i am constantly snacking between meals, looking for new recipes, and scrolling through the food section on pinterest. when i found out that certain foods can help me focus, stay awake, and improve my memory, it changed my snacking life. not to mention they are…

  • college v. high school: class environment

    it occurred to me (as i was fighting sleep in gen chem on monday morning…) how utterly ignorant i was beforehand about the differences between college and high school class environments. (about the differences between college and high school everything, for that matter). consequently, this marks the first piece within a developing series that will…

  • resilience

    resilience noun re·sil·ience \ri-ˈzil-yən(t)s\ the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens the ability of something to return to its original shape after it has been pulled, stretched, pressed, bent, etc.   between studying for the act, sat, maintaining a well rounded gpa, extracurriculars, and maybe applying to colleges (if…

  • how to get a good grade when you have a bad teacher

    even when you have a great teacher, schoolwork is stressful and difficult. so when you get a bad one? it can feel like the world is going to end. here’s how to successfully make it through the year.

  • real intelligence: what makes a person smart?

    when you think of the “smart” kids, who do you picture? perhaps someone like this…