category: high school life

  • how to minimize distractions while studying

    the most important part of studying is maintaining focus on the material. if you find a way to do work with minimal distractions, then you will get a lot more done. here are my best tips for staying on task.

  • what to do when you can’t get a summer internship

    so you applied to some summer internships, but you didn’t get any of them. don’t worry about it too much and don’t be too hard on yourself. when you’re in high school or the early years of college, it can be difficult to find internships because most of us lack experience.

  • college vs. high school: homework

    one of the biggest academic differences between high school and college is the homework. in college, professors assign homework in a different way and they have different expectations. therefore, your whole routine of doing homework will be very unlike your routine in high school.

  • senior year: the nostalgia

    throughout my junior year and the summer leading up to my senior year, i was flooded with advice on my senior year of high school. the most common advice that was given to me was to cherish every moment of my senior year, because it would be over sooner than expected. so that’s what i…

  • extra curriculars: college v. high school

    there’s something of a precedent set for how to “succeed” in high school extra curriculars. step 1: sign up for everything. step 2: somehow attend all of the meetings (spoiler alert: you won’t be able to). step 3: try to run for president of all of them because that’s what’s “expected” if you want a…

  • how to be productive while procrastinating

    everyone procrastinates. don’t pretend you don’t. sometimes you really, really, really don’t want to do work, even though you have to. here are some ways to be somewhat productive, even though you aren’t doing homework.

  • should you intern in high school?

    the short answer is yes! i highly recommend interning in high school, but before you go hunting for internship opportunities in your area, there are some pros and cons to consider. pros: insight into different career options networking opportunities hands on experience in a professional setting strengthen college applications build your resume   cons: time…

  • top 3 ted talks all students should watch

    some people binge watch tv shows on netflix, others troll instagram for hours. as for me, i watch ted talks. religiously. ted talks is a great source for motivation, guidance and overall knowledge. with thousands of talks covering almost any topic imaginable, there is a talk for anyone. so, what is ted talks? “ted is…

  • start preparing for finals right now

    at first, preparing for finals early can sound like stressful overkill. but if you get organized as soon as possible, you’ll actually be less stressed. always keep finals in mind, even in the first few months of the semester, and the exams will be a breeze.

  • how to annotate readings successfully

    unsure how to properly annotate your lengthy textbook readings? i’m here to help. one of the most important functions of annotation is that it allows you to review readings later on by simply skimming.