nadira berman

how to make the most of winter break

it’s finally winter break (well, for some of us it’s still winter break … for everyone else – i hope you had a good one)! this means fun times with family and friends, along with plenty of good food and relaxation.

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although these few weeks are meant to be a break, you can still get stuff done. here are my top tips for making all this free time as productive as it can be.

1. take a real break

you’ve likely spent the past few weeks (and months) doing some hardcore studying. take at least a few days to completely empty your brain of anything academically related. forget that school exists! do whatever your heart desires without any worries.

2. go outside

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getting some fresh air will clear your mind and refresh you. before break, you probably spent most of your time at home or in school. it’s nice to get a change of setting. enjoy the wintry weather.

3. bond with family

you only see some of these people a few times a year. now is your chance to really get to know them. ask your grandparents, aunts and uncles to tell you old stories.  you never know what you might discover.

4. eat right but #treatyoself

you’ll feel healthier and happier if you eat more fruits and vegetables and less junk food produced in huge factories. but obviously this is the time for cookies, candy canes and other holiday sweets so it doesn’t hurt to #treatyoself once in a while.


5. read

if you find a book you really enjoy, it can be fun and academically beneficial! keep your mind fresh for school so you haven’t totally forgotten how to focus when you go back.

6. practice instruments or sports

without all of that homework, you now have a lot more time to devote to your hobbies. when you return to orchestra or when the sports season begins, you can wow everyone with your new skills.

7. exercise

work off all the delicious food you ate to #treatyoself. again, you will feel happier if you are healthier.

maybe you didn’t have time to go to the gym during the busy school day but now you can go whenever you want and for as long as you want.

8. clean up and organize

most people wait for spring to do their cleaning but why not get a head start? get rid of all the junk you don’t need and maybe donate it to charity.

9. practice test taking

if you are a slow worker, practice taking tests faster and faster. whether you’re planning on taking the act or the sat, it helps to find a good test taking strategy. you’ll be so thankful to have these skills later on.



  • nadira berman

    as a summer marketing intern, nadira is excited to help high schoolers prepare for the sat and act. as a freshman at the university of pennsylvania, she is considering studying economics. in her free time, she reports for the school newspaper and styles photo shoots for the school’s fashion magazine. besides fashion and journalism, her passions include bagels, smoothies and netflix.

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