comments on: how not to study: the most common mistakes - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life thu, 30 jul 2015 18:58:45 +0000 hourly 1 by: rita kreig // mon, 04 may 2015 22:34:20 +0000 // in reply to sujin cho.

hi sujin,

use free time and sleep as a motivator! the more organized you are, the more time you’ll have to rest and hang out with your friends (or binge-watch netflix shows…) make a real effort to keep your binders organized from the beginning, and then check in on saturdays to make sure that everything is in the right spot. if you’re stuffing things in your locker and keeping them there for more than a week, that’s a sure sign that you need to take five minutes to clean things out, throw away what you don’t need (old snacks, irrelevant assignments), and put everything else in its proper location.

the best way to keep up with the material in all your classes at the same time is to review a little bit every day. that way, by the time finals rolls around, you haven’t forgotten what you learned the first month of the semester. keep a stack of relevant flashcards with you at all times, so you can study a little bit wherever you are. you’ll be so happy you did when final exams roll around, and your flashcard stack is already made.

good luck!!

by: sujin cho // thu, 30 apr 2015 23:01:53 +0000 // thank you ^_^
but with all the classes in high school (i’m still in 8th), how can i stay motivated to be organized?
i mean, for the first week (in middle school so….with easier demand from classes) of school, i’m all like “yea i can be organized for the rest of the school year” but then…2 weeks later, my s.s. is in my math binder and i have this folder where i just stuff everything in…..
and i won’t even get started on my locker.


tips to stay motivated with even more demand from classes?
and i am promising myself to study for a test weeks before it, but how can i with all the subjects?
i mean, i feel like my mind will be jumbled up if i study chem and then calculus (my high school offers 2 ap classes in 9th grade).
in middle school, studying the night before was easy…but i guess it won’t be like that in high school. 🙁
thank you!
