nadira berman

four ways to save money this summer

as a high school student, it’s always great to have some extra cash. but if you’re a graduated senior starting college in the fall, saving money is critical. here are four ways to do it.


don’t buy tons of new school supplies

while buying shiny, pretty, new school supplies may be one of the only fun parts of the back to school season, don’t waste your money. odds are you have tons of pencils, pens, and paper lying around your house. just look. by the time you’re done scavenging around, you’ll probably only have a few things to purchase before you’re ready to go back to class.

find fun, free things to do with friends

this means no more shopping or going to expensive amusement parks. brainstorm in order to figure out fun stuff you guys can do that costs little or no money. here are some ideas:

    – go on a hike
    – play card games
    – bake cookies (or any other baked good of your choice)
    – take cool photographs
    watch movies at home instead of at the theater
    – swim at the community pool
    – play frisbee at the park
    – binge-watch a tv series together


sell your stuff

because it’s summer, you’ll likely have time to deep clean your room. while you’re sorting through all of your junk, figure out if you can sell some of it. you could have a yard sale or even sell clothes to consignment stores. no matter what you do with your stuff, it’s better than leaving it to sit on a shelf with no purpose.

summer is an especially good time to sell your schoolbooks, as most people already know what courses they are taking next year. ask kids from the grade below if they’ve purchased their textbooks yet.


don’t drive

save money on gas by walking and biking. you’ll not only help the environment, you’ll also get exercise. what could be better?



  • nadira berman

    as a summer marketing intern, nadira is excited to help high schoolers prepare for the sat and act. as a freshman at the university of pennsylvania, she is considering studying economics. in her free time, she reports for the school newspaper and styles photo shoots for the school’s fashion magazine. besides fashion and journalism, her passions include bagels, smoothies and netflix.

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