comments on: five tips to approaching ap tests - 加拿大vs摩洛哥欧赔 // act, sat, college admissions, life thu, 30 jul 2015 19:13:05 +0000 hourly 1 by: rita kreig // mon, 04 may 2015 22:29:49 +0000 // in reply to sujin cho.

hi sujin!

you know, some students choose to take ap tests without taking the class (especially for english language vs. english literature – they’ll take the literature class and then take both tests), but i always recommend that students only take ap exams for ap courses they’re actually taking. taking ap tests is stressful enough without having to teach yourself an entire course from scratch!

anyway, that’s my two cents as a tutor. what does everyone else think?

– rita

by: sujin cho // thu, 30 apr 2015 23:07:10 +0000 // lol
number 1 is like me with every. single. test/project
i still have this science fair project (a report and a power point) due tomorrow…
i have all my stuff, but just not put together….
yea, and i’m here reading magoosh articles…

is there any ap class that i could potentially skip but still take the test?
i mean, i realize i can’t do this with science because of the labs.
but is there any class that i could study by myself and still do well (that is, of course, if i study well)?
