rachel kapelke-dale

virginia tech admissions: the sat, act scores and gpa you need to get in

virginia tech admissions - image by magoosh
want to be a, um, hokiebird? wait, don’t go! the mascot for virginia tech may be silly, but it just goes to show you the many facets of the school. yes, virginia tech is known as a research university; yes, it’s also one of six military colleges in the united states; and yes, that really is their mascot. if this combination appeals to you, read on! in this post, we’ll take a look at virginia tech admissions, from the acceptance rate and gpa to virginia tech sat scores (and virginia tech act scores, of course). let’s do a quick numbers run-down first.

virginia tech at a glance


virginia tech sat scores 1180-1390
virginia tech act scores 25-31
virginia tech admissions rate 70%
virginia tech gpa average 3.8-4.0

are these competitive numbers? definitely! are they achievable? absolutely! let’s break these down a little further as we take a closer look at virginia tech admissions.

virginia tech sat scores

while composite virginia tech sat scores are in the above table, here’s a breakdown by section:

math 590-710
evidence-based reading and writing 590-680

keep in mind that the sat is designed so that the average composite score is close to 1000 and the average score per section is close to 500. virginia tech’s average sat scores are definitely higher than this. boosting your score as much as possible can only help your application. (for some preliminary advice, check out the stories of four students who got the perfect sat score as well as others who scored really high!)

but if the application is due tomorrow and you’re wondering whether it’s worth even applying to virginia tech with a score below 1180, take heart. the numbers above are the middle 50% range for virginia tech admitted students. what this means is that 25% of admitted students scored below 1180 on the sat.

so how do you get to your sat target score? i’m glad you asked! the secret here is practice, practice, practice! official sat prep from the college board is essential. but additional prep beyond the official materials is important as well. magoosh is an excellent supplement to your college board prep. you can start with our free full sat practice test. from there, you can also subscribe to magoosh sat for tons of additional practice questions and video lessons.

virginia tech act scores

one big question a lot of students have about virginia tech admissions is whether or not the school accepts the act. it does! the middle 50% virginia tech act scores ranged from 25-31, with an average of 28. to put this in context, the average act score is 20.7.

what this means for your application to virginia tech is that if you’ve scored below average on the exam, it can hurt your chances of getting in. to submit your best application, it’s ideal to have scores that fall within (or surpass) that middle 50% range. (if you’re considering the act, you can check out the inspirational stories and advice from students who got the perfect act score).

again, practice is key to getting a top act score for successful admissions. as with sat, you’ll want to practice using a combination of official act materials and magoosh ones. here is magoosh’s excellent free 2022世界杯入门名单 with answers and explanations. that test goes well with official act prep, and is a nice companion to the lessons and questions that come with a magoosh act subscription.

virginia tech acceptance rate

virginia tech’s acceptance rate is 70%. keep in mind that it still means that virginia tech accepts around 2 out 3 of all applicants!

virginia tech gpa average

of admitted students in the last admissions cycle, the virginia tech gpa middle 50% range was 3.8-4.0.

again, though, having a gpa substantially lower than this does not automatically exclude you from admission—virginia tech admitted students with much lower gpas. however, if your gpa below the average range, make sure that the rest of your application is awesome. there’s not a lot you can do about your gpa at this point, but you can ensure that your essays, your letters of recommendation, and your test scores are outstanding!

not sure how to calculate your gpa? you can figure it out with our gpa calculator!

virginia tech freshman profile

so who is the typical virginia tech freshman? the most popular majors for admitted students in 2019 (the school hasn’t posted 2020 stats yet!) were engineering, university studies (an “academic home” for undecided students, students looking at several majors, or those who are preparing to apply to competitive admissions programs), and business. and if you think virginia tech students are only from virginia, think again: students from 45 states, 64 countries, and 3 territories are included in the class of 2023.

“virginia tech is an amazing school full of opportunity. upperclassmen receive wonderful jobs due to the staff here on campus and alumni connections. the feeling walking around campus is great, and the teachers could not be better. my personal feeling about tech is that it is a big school that makes sure you feel big. you are not just a number at virginia tech.” — hannahlynnmurray, admitsee

picture of hannah lynn murray

virginia tech other admissions requirements and info

other than your gpa and test score(s), what will you need to apply to virginia tech? well, first of all, note that virginia tech uses the coalition for access, affordability, and success as its application manager—not the common app! otherwise, virginia tech has the following admissions requirements:

  • 18 units of high-school course work
  • 4 units of english
  • 3 units of math (includes algebra i, geometry, and algebra ii)
  • 2 units of laboratory science (chosen from biology, chemistry or physics)
  • 2 units of social science (one must be history)
  • 3 additional academic units (foreign language is highly recommended)
  • 4 elective units

so if you haven’t taken all of those courses, better take a look at your senior year schedule!


does virginia tech accept transfer students?

yes! there’s no minimum gpa required to apply, but the admissions office notes that candidates with 3.0 gpas or higher will be more competitive. transfer students should also have finished or be working on finishing prerequisite courses.

does virginia tech accept international students?

absolutely—as you can see above, virginia tech students come from all around the world. however, if english is not your native language, you will also have to take the toefl, ietls, or the pte.

how to get into virginia tech

virginia tech sat scores, act scores, and 3.8-4.0 gpa average are highly competitive—but students with scores or gpas below average do get accepted. they’re unlikely to have both low gpas and low scores, but may be stronger in one area than another. along with academic achievement, you need to show a genuine reason for wanting to attend virginia tech.

here’s what alphonso garrett jr., director of undergraduate diversity recruitment initiatives at virginia tech, had to say:

how to get into virginia tech -magoosh

“my biggest piece of advice for students hoping to gain an offer of admission to virginia tech can be broken down into two parts: 1. try your best in the classroom, and 2. be your authentic self.

at virginia tech, as is the case with most colleges and universities whose demand exceeds space available, the most competitive candidates will present a strong mix of as and bs in a rigorous college preparatory curriculum. i encourage students to try their best and select courses in school that will challenge them and are designed to be college preparatory. this does not necessarily mean taking every advanced level course available, but to find balance in rigor and success.

academic preparation is very important, but more important is for students to be their true selves. often times i see applicants try to fit into what they anticipate an admissions committee may desire. however, what we care to see is the true story and context of an applicant. the applicants can share these stories through responses to our essay questions.

there are four required writing components. each essay is designed to gather insight on applicants and gain more information about their potential for success. applicants should carefully think out their responses and address the topics presented. these are not essays that can be repurposed from an english class for example. each response is limited to 120 words, so short concise responses are expected.”

so how to get into virginia tech? work on the elements of your application that you can control, polish the application as much as you can, and have compelling reasons why you want to attend the school. good luck!


  • rachel kapelke-dale

    rachel is a magoosh content creator. she writes and updates content on our high school and gre blogs to ensure students are equipped with the best information during their test prep journey. as a test-prep instructor for more than five years in there different countries, rachel has helped students around the world prepare for various standardized tests, including the sat, act, toefl, gre, and gmat, and she is one of the authors of our magoosh act prep book. rachel has a bachelor of arts in comparative literature from brown university, an ma in cinematography from the université de paris vii, and a ph.d. in film studies from university college london. for over a decade, rachel has honed her craft as a fiction and memoir writer and public speaker. her novel, the ballerinas, is forthcoming in december 2021 from st. martin’s press, while her memoir, graduates in wonderland, co-written with jessica pan, was published in 2014 by penguin random house. her work has appeared in over a dozen online and print publications, including vanity fair hollywood. when she isn’t strategically stringing words together at magoosh, you can find rachel riding horses or with her nose in a book. join her on twitter, instagram, or facebook!

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