rachel kapelke-dale

university of maryland college park admissions: the sat, act scores and gpa you need to get in

university of maryland admissions how to get into university of maryland sat scores university of maryland act scores -magoosh

if you’re considering applying to the university of maryland college park, you may already know some of the school’s big selling points. first of all, it’s a “public ivy,” meaning that it’s known for delivering ivy-league-quality education…without the price tag. sports fans may also be aware that the school is one of the “big 10.” and those interested in research may know that the school is known for its contributions to government projects (particularly useful, as it’s not far from d.c.).

sold? in this post, we’ll cover university of maryland college park admissions and how to get into university of maryland college park: university of maryland college park sat scores, university of maryland college park act scores, and more!

but before we do anything else…

university of maryland college park at a glance

university of maryland college park sat scores (middle 50%) 1330-1470
university of maryland college park act scores (middle 50%) 30-34
university of maryland college park admissions rate 44%
university of maryland college park gpa average 4.0

university of maryland college park sat scores

as you can see in the table above, average university of maryland college park sat scores are 1330-1470. but what does that mean?

when we talk about test score ranges in terms of college admissions, we’re usually referring to the “middle 50th percentile.” what that means is that 25% of the entering class had a lower score, 50% of the entering class scored within this range, and 25% of the entering class had a higher score.

this can be intimidating, particularly when you look at the high university of maryland college park sat scores. however, remember that test scores are something you can improve with practice—whatever your initial scores were, they are not set in stone! if you have the time, see if you can pull your scores into that middle 50 percentile.

“but,” you might be saying, “25% of students got in with lower scores!” yup. and of those 25%, some may have been recruited athletes, legacies, published authors…you just can’t know. the important thing is to make your scores as high as you can!

with that in mind, here’s the breakdown of university of maryland college park sat scores by section.

math 650-750
evidence-based reading and writing 640-720

now, about those scores. university of maryland college park sat scores tend to be slightly higher in the math than the verbal sections—but not by much. and generally, it’s okay if your scores are uneven; many students’ will be. the important thing is to make sure that they don’t differ by hundreds of points. otherwise, you should be okay!

university of maryland college park act scores

just like with the university of maryland college park sat scores, university of maryland college park act scores are high. composite (overall) scores are 30-34—near the top for an exam with a high score of 36!

there are a few particularly interesting things to note about university of maryland college park act scores. first, look at the breakdown.

section 25th percentile 75th percentile
english 28 34
math 27 33

notice how wide these ranges are. while the composite scores are between 30 and 34, average university of maryland college park act scores in english were between 28 and 34, and average university of maryland college park act scores in math were between 27 and 33. this indicates that students at the school have a wide variety of strengths, as they must have scored high on some sections (and lower on others) for the range to be this wide.

again, a huge difference in sectional scores isn’t great, but a few points either way is fine. just make sure they’re as high as they can be!

keep in mind that the university of maryland also takes act superscores into consideration, so you may want to consider taking the test multiple times!

university of maryland college park acceptance rate

the university of maryland college park’s acceptance rate is 44%, meaning that fewer than half of students who apply are accepted. tough? sure—but having great essays, letters of recommendation, and test scores will definitely make your application stand out! oh, yeah—and don’t forget about your gpa…

university of maryland college park gpa average

what is gpa? short for “grade point average,” gpa is a calculation of how you’ve done overall in your high school classes.

the gpa average for students accepted at the university of maryland college park is 4.0. this may seem strange—isn’t 4.0 a perfect gpa? the answer to this is that for many high schools, not all courses are created equal. they’ll weight upper-level courses, particularly ap or ib courses, out of 5.0 instead of 4.0, which can push students’ gpas over the (apparent) maximum of 4.0. mystery solved!

university of maryland college park student profile

so who goes to the university of maryland college park? 53% of students are men (ladies, don’t let that stop you)! it’s an ncaa d-i school, so this may be a great place for athletes, too. 41% of students receive some kind of need-based financial aid. and if you’re ready for your own apartment…60% of students live off-campus, so this just might be a good fit!


does the university of maryland college park accept the common app?

sorry, this is another one you’ll have to fill out…no common app for the university of maryland college park. however, it does use the coalition application, so that’s a bonus!

eek, i missed the deadline! is it too late to apply to university of maryland college park?

not necessarily! the school does accept applications on a rolling basis after the deadline, subject to availability. (of course, your odds of acceptance are better before the deadline, so if it’s your first choice school, it may be better not to roll the dice.)

what’s this about spring semester?

a new program at university of maryland college park allows for around 25% of freshman to enter in the spring semester, letting them accept more students. if you’re not accepted for fall, you may be for spring. all-around win!

what are the application requirements for university of maryland college park?

nothing too surprising here: four years of english, four of math (including at least algebra ii), three years of history/social science, three years of science (in at least two different areas, with at least two labs), and two years of a foreign language.

how to get into university of maryland college park

how to get into university of maryland college park? make sure your gpa is as high as it can be; get the best letters of recommendation from teachers who really like and respect you; make sure your test scores are within the university of maryland college park sat scores/university of maryland college park act scores range. good luck!


  • rachel kapelke-dale

    rachel is a magoosh content creator. she writes and updates content on our high school and gre blogs to ensure students are equipped with the best information during their test prep journey. as a test-prep instructor for more than five years in there different countries, rachel has helped students around the world prepare for various standardized tests, including the sat, act, toefl, gre, and gmat, and she is one of the authors of our magoosh act prep book. rachel has a bachelor of arts in comparative literature from brown university, an ma in cinematography from the université de paris vii, and a ph.d. in film studies from university college london. for over a decade, rachel has honed her craft as a fiction and memoir writer and public speaker. her novel, the ballerinas, is forthcoming in december 2021 from st. martin’s press, while her memoir, graduates in wonderland, co-written with jessica pan, was published in 2014 by penguin random house. her work has appeared in over a dozen online and print publications, including vanity fair hollywood. when she isn’t strategically stringing words together at magoosh, you can find rachel riding horses or with her nose in a book. join her on twitter, instagram, or facebook!

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