rachel kapelke-dale

university of florida admissions: the sat, act scores and gpa you need to get in

university of florida admissions how to get into the university of florida sat scores university of florida act scores -magoosh

do you love gatorade, dance marathons, and natural history? if so, the university of florida might be the right place for you. but even if those aren’t your things, you can probably still find your tribe at uf. one of the largest single-campus universities in the united states (we’re talking 50,000+ students…bigger than many of our hometowns!), university of florida has lots to offer, from top research facilities to lively greek life. here’s what you need to know about university of florida admissions, including how to get into university of florida, university of florida sat scores, university of florida act scores, and much more!

before we take a deep dive, here’s an overview of university of florida’s stats.

university of florida at a glance

university of florida average sat scores (middle 50%) 1330-1460
university of florida average act scores (middle 50%) 29-33
university of florida admissions rate 33%
university of florida gpa average (middle 50% range) 4.3-4.6

university of florida sat scores

for incoming freshman in the class of 2022, university of florida sat scores were, on average, between 1330 and 1460. the admissions office hasn’t provided a more detailed breakdown, but we can take a look at last year’s info to get a better sense of these numbers.

math 620-690
evidence-based reading and writing 620-710

those are pretty high scores. another thing to keep in mind with university of florida sat scores is that the school does have minimum required scores for admission. the university of florida sat score minimums are:

  • reading: 24
  • writing and language: 25
  • math: 24

one consideration to keep in mind is that the admissions office will give you an sat “superscore,” combining your best scores from different sections on different test dates. this does not mean that they will combine old (pre-2016) and new test scores, though! they’ll use all old scores or all new scores in that case.

university of florida act scores

if the act comes more naturally to you than the sat does, no fear! the university of florida admissions office considers both tests and does not prefer one to the other. and you may find the university of florida act requirements to be less stringent than the university of florida sat scores requirements: they require a minimum of 19 in reading and 19 in math, but don’t post requirements for science or english.

what else do we know about the act scores at uf? the university of florida act scores breakdown looks like this:

english 27-34
math 26-31
reading n/a
science n/a
composite 29-33

so why are these scores so different from the minimum requirements? well, there’s a lot of competition!

how to get into university of florida with lower scores? if your scores are significantly lower than the average university of florida act scores, one thing to consider is how your gpa stacks up. if you meet or exceed the minimum test score requirements (but aren’t quite in that middle 50%) and have an awesome gpa and polished application, you still have a shot at getting in! after all, 25% of admitted students scored lower than that 50% range.

if you have time to prepare and take the test again, though, it could definitely pay off!

a final note on university of florida test scores: they absolutely must reach the school by december 15 for consideration. after that, university of florida admissions are on a “space-available” basis (and there may not be a ton of space available!). this means that january test dates are out!

university of florida acceptance rate

you have probably seen a lot of different numbers floating around for university of florida acceptance rates…48%, 46%, 38%, 36%…why are there so many? well, it depends on how you look at it (and what you’re looking at). is the source considering the stats by which semester students were admitted, by in-state or out-of-state, by special programs (like pace, which we’ll look at below)?

in their 2023 freshman profile, the university of florida admissions office states that they received around 42,000 applications for 14,000 spots (there are actually 6,500 seats in the freshman class, but some will turn down the admissions offer). this means that university of florida’s acceptance rate in 2019 was around 33%.

university of florida gpa average

the university of florida gpa middle 50% range for students admitted to the class of 2023 was 4.3-4.6. if that number seems a little confusing, your school may not weight grades. normally, high schools calculate gpa on a four-point scale, with a 4.0 representing straight as. so how can you get a higher gpa than that? some high schools weight more difficult classes out of 5.0—meaning that the average university of florida student has probably taken at least some aps or higher-level courses.

so that’s definitely a pretty high gpa. and, unfortunately, at this point in your high school career (if you’re applying this year), it may be a little late to drastically change your grades. what can you do instead? focus on changing the things you can still affect: letters of recommendation, essays and test scores!

university of florida freshman profile

the university of florida admissions office doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to the class of 2023, providing us with cold hard stats: the average gpa was 4.3-4.6. the middle 50% range for sat scores was 1330-1460. the average university of florida act scores were 29-33. but is that all it takes to make a university of florida student?

definitely not! the university of florida admissions department states that in addition to academics, they also looked for students who “displayed a commitment to service, creativity, and progress.” remember that admissions officers look at your profile holistically, so polish your application in all areas before sending it off!


does university of florida have a wait list?

it does not. the best thing to do if you don’t get in is to reapply as a transfer—the school accepts transfer students for fall, spring, and summer semesters, so you may have a chance sooner than you think!

i don’t like [sports, greek life, big schools]. is university of florida right for me?

remember that there are more than 50,000 students at uf! prefer writing for the newspaper to hitting the gym? you’ll be in good company. want to discuss music instead of joining a sorority? you’ll find plenty of students to join you. that said, if you’re looking for a small school, you won’t get around the fact that the university of florida is enormous and there may be better options out there for you.

what’s this pace thing?

as you can imagine, it’s hard to make room for 50,000 students. one way that the university of florida has accommodated so many people is by opening up the pace program, which allows students to take both online and campus-based classes. this allows them to have more flexible locations and more class flexibility. it also lets the university of florida admissions office offer 2,200+ more students places.

how to get into university of florida

university of florida admissions are competitive, no doubt about it. still, the many benefits of the university make this a top choice for a lot of students (that sun probably doesn’t hurt, either)! what should you do if the university of florida is your dream school? how to get into university of florida? make sure your test scores are within the university of florida sat scores range or the university of florida act scores range, submit the best application you can, and start picking out your favorite gatorade flavor. good luck!


  • rachel kapelke-dale

    rachel is a magoosh content creator. she writes and updates content on our high school and gre blogs to ensure students are equipped with the best information during their test prep journey. as a test-prep instructor for more than five years in there different countries, rachel has helped students around the world prepare for various standardized tests, including the sat, act, toefl, gre, and gmat, and she is one of the authors of our magoosh act prep book. rachel has a bachelor of arts in comparative literature from brown university, an ma in cinematography from the université de paris vii, and a ph.d. in film studies from university college london. for over a decade, rachel has honed her craft as a fiction and memoir writer and public speaker. her novel, the ballerinas, is forthcoming in december 2021 from st. martin’s press, while her memoir, graduates in wonderland, co-written with jessica pan, was published in 2014 by penguin random house. her work has appeared in over a dozen online and print publications, including vanity fair hollywood. when she isn’t strategically stringing words together at magoosh, you can find rachel riding horses or with her nose in a book. join her on twitter, instagram, or facebook!

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